China & Russia team up to build Lunar Space Station.

A big announcement from the China National Space Administration and Roscosmos.

The two nations have officially unveiled at the Global Space Exploration conference their roadmap for the establishment of the international lunar research station in March.

Both Russia and China signed a memorandum of understanding, And just a number of months seem to have made a fair amount of progress.

The international lunar research station (ILRS) for sure will be established at the same time as the united states. 

The Artemis accord nations are set to return to the moon pine and Russia just released a video explaining the three phases of development of the (ILRS), Which gave us a 3D tour of what the station might look like.

So let's take a first look at the first ever plans from any country for a permanent lunar station. The vaster universe sparks the exploration train of humankind. 

The moon wall has been endowed with endless revelry and good wishes since ancient times. We keep on exploring the moon for thousands of years, we used to wonder where it comes from. 

The moon one is an important object for fighting these ultimate answers. More than six decades ago brief men began their exploration of the movement. 

This time they come with greater courage, stronger determination and more ambitious goals. We no longer satisfy with simple visits we are here for the long-term exploration.

The international lunar research station makes visions possible it will give us a deeper understanding of the movement and help us find the answers.

The ILRS is a comprehensive scientific experimental base on the lunar surface and or lunar orbit. It can realize long-term autonomous running for lunar exploration and utilization.

The construction of ILRS will go through three phases of reconnaissance construction and utilization.

Reconnaissance by 2025 they will have Chang'e-4, Channel 6, Channel 7, Luna 25, Luna 26 and Luna 27 to the moon through 6 missions. 

The moon will be jointly explored by virus detection forms. They include remote sensing In-situ detection and sample return. The site of scientific research station will be determined construction from 2026 to 2030. 

They will send Chang'e-8 in Luna 28 missions to conduct cooperative exploration. Finishing technology verification of IEL auras from 2031 to 2035 the international lunar missions will be sent. It is to construct the command center, energy facilities, communication facilities and lunar based scientific exploration facilities.

It will also verify In-situ utilization of resources and other common technology in deep space exploration utilization.

After 2036 the rest can be used for long-term scientific exploration technical validation and resource utilization.

It can also support short-term human missions to the moon.

Peace development cooperation and mutual benefit are core concepts of ILRS and will be open to all interested countries and organizations that are willing to cooperate.

More countries and regions will have a chance in exploring the moon wall, developing space technology and inspiring younger generations.

China national space administration and Roscosmos welcome more international partners. The lunar scientific research facility will be jointly viewed to benefit all mankind.

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