Things Not To Do In Morocco!

Things Not To Do In Morocco! 

Situated in the Southern part of the mediterranean, Morocco boasts many extraordinary sights and scenes. 

The multi-ethnic character of the culture of Morocco is derived from a mixture of Arab African, Islamic, Berber and European culture customs and beliefs.

Your trip to morocco will be much more rewarding and enjoyable if you follow these '15 things Not To Do In Morocco'.

1: Not Covering Up

You can wear whatever you want in Morocco. There's no Morocco dress code, And you certainly do not need to dress like locals but be mindful of local norms.

Women wearing crop tops and see-through items are not a great idea! When visiting Mosques, you need to cover down to your wrists and ankles.

2: Not Being Wary Of Local Guides

You should absolutely hire a local guide to help you get an inside perspective on the country and navigate through the maze of the old towns. However, be sure you know what you're getting yourself into.

The local guides have built relationships with many different stores, and they are most likely getting a cut of the sales. 

Don't be fooled when they say "they are trying to help you haggle to get the best price."

3: Don't Go Out On Fridays

Keep in mind that it is a Islamic country.

So, pay attention to their holidays, otherwise you might be there when everything is closed.

Also most shops and attractions will close on Friday since it's Muslims' holy day of the week. So don't plan to go out on Fridays.

4: Don't Expect To Find Air Conditioning

Most hostels rides and restaurants do not have western air conditioning.

Their idea of AC is a fan. If you visit in the summer it can be brutal.

If you absolutely need AC, book a hotel to be safe. 

5: Don't take pictures of people without asking

Well, this should be self-evident. But you wouldn't want it either that you're being photographed at work all the time.

Just ask nicely, if you can take a picture. If you take pictures of jugglers, it can get very expensive.

6: Don't Get a Henna Tattoo on the Marketplace

There will be a lot of women who want to sell a henna tattoo to you which is way too expensive.

A lot of these women also run after you. You should also be very cautious about the black color it's made from chemicals, God knows which. And they are not good for your skin. That henna can get you skin rashes and even blood poisoning. So, better avoid!

7: Currency

More established shops will take credit cards, but most smaller markets street vendors and cabs will not.

Be ready with the local currency, The Moroccan Durham. Don't think everything will be cheaper in Morocco. Because of how touristic the country has become, the prices are comparable to Europe.

8: ATMs Can Be Hit Or Miss

Exchange enough money when you get your chance. Ask the front desk at your hotel, they may have money to exchange.

The ATM quickly ran out of money if an entire group of tourists trying to exchange money. Also travellers checks are pretty much useless in Morocco. It's hard to find a place to cash them.

9: Don't accept help from strangers in the streets

This one might seem pretty obvious but it's not as easy as it might seem. You will get lost in the streets and just at that moment, someone will approach you and offer to show you the right direction.

This seems harmless! But trust me it's not.

If you accept someone's help they'll expect you to pay them for that help. And they will harass you if you don't pay them what they perceive as "enough".

10: Mosques are a no-go unless you're Muslim

While it's possible to visit mosques in some countries if you remove your shoes and wear special coverings.

When you're visiting Morocco, you won't be allowed in Mosques unless you're Muslim. 

But you can go to one of them 'The Hassan II Mosque' which is the most impressive landmarks in Africa.

11: Don't expect to find Toilet paper everywhere

Moroccan toilets which are squat toilets and are often equipped with a typical tap instead of toilet paper so bring a roll of toilet paper unless you want to get real traditional.

12: Hashish is illegal

Hashish is a type of drug that is offered regularly on Moroccan streets. But it's illegal to buy sell or consume.

If someone is selling then Run away! Because it could be a scam that could get you into trouble.

13: Don't forget to haggle

Most prices can be negotiated unless it's specifically labeled as a 'fixed price'.

Haggling is part of Moroccan culture, something they expect you to do when you're visiting Morocco. So don't feel bad about it.

You can get items for less than 50 percent of the price they first ask for.

14: Don't Bring Wrong Converters

Don't get stuck in Morocco without a way to charge all your electronics.

Always have converters for wherever you travel and additional outlets, in case there aren't many in the hotel. Voltage 220 V, frequency 50 hertz, power sockets type C or E.

15: Don't drink tap water

Always drink bottled water and also use it to brush your teeth. Be careful with ice cubes too. Foreigners are not accustomed to the bacteria in the water of Morocco and have a high risk of getting sick.

Bottled water is cheap in morocco and you can find it nearly anywhere.

So these are the things to avoid in Morocco when you visit.

Morocco overall offers a rich and diverse cultural experience for travelers, with plenty of opportunities for adventure, relaxation, and exploration. So you must visit this beautiful historically and culturally rich country but be aware of the Do's and Don't.

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