How will Nations deal with the Taliban?

After more than two decades U.S troops have completed their final withdrawal from Afghanistan bringing the war to an end and this will likely become one of the most iconic images of that conflict. 

Immediately after the U.S departure the hardline Taliban group is now in charge of Kabul and the entire country.

So what now the Taliban are left with? The job of governing the country.

International community must decide how to deal with Afghanistan's new rulers and here's where the way forward isn't quite clear. But take a look at what some world powers have been saying. 

U.S secretary of state Anthony Blinken said the Taliban seeks international legitimacy and support. 

Now it's a similar sentiment in Europe. 

German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Emanuel Macron have said last month: 

"Our aim must be to ensure that as many of the changes that we've achieved in the last 20 years be preserved"

"The  international community must also have talks with the Taliban but there cannot be any unconditional agreements with them those who are in control of Kabul and of Afghanistan are the Taliban. So in practical terms we need to have those discussions. This is what we have started to do, We have laid out conditions"

How does the West intend to engage with the Taliban?

Let me first stress that these current developments have been clearly a shock a kind of a deeply traumatic one for the West specifically for the transatlantic allies of the United States and the European powers are still making sense of the developments, specifically when it comes to the future role that they can play and how to actually deal with the Taliban regime. 

In fact the European powers specifically Germany, France, UK are also not included in the format consisting of United States, China, Russia and Pakistan dealing with the Taliban in Doha Qatar. 

So this is also a kind of lack of political engagement for them. 

In order to coordinate positions specifically when it comes to the recognition but also they will reach out likely to China and Russia to try to establish political channels with the Taliban that is particular area of expertise.

The European Union and the member States fear a huge refugee crisis one that might be repeated by the 2015 episode.

The European Powers will probably conduct talks with the Taliban in the future.

There has been already a official State visit by the Taliban to Russia prior to the takeover as well as such visits to China and that is quite revealing how actually these two countries have been preparing for a potential power transfer in the hands of the Taliban.

China has several main raw goals so on the one side it seeks to prevent all-out civilian war, Happening in Afghanistan. So any kind of destabilization in the country is detrimental to Chinese also Russian. 

Finally there are very strong geoeconomic interests on the ground such as the potential exploration of minerals and rare Earth's deposits being worth at around 1 to 3 trillion U.S Dollars according to geological service and also the potential of including Afghanistan into Chinese Belton road and China-Pakistan economic corridor in the long term. What I see as a different approach.

Taliban have been actually isolated already by the international community the second is of course by providing them future opportunities through the Belton road to other economic energy transport corridors that Beijing is eager to build once again not alone but together with other regional partners. 

And that's different approach that Washington unfortunately has failed.

China will be the key Actor that will be seeking to fill the political but also geoeconomic and security vacuum in Afghanistan.

However China will do this in coordinated manner with Russia and likely with other regional countries such as Pakistan and Iran.  

Actually these countries have been preparing for a potential power transfer in the hands of the Taliban.

Due to the fact that the Taliban have been actually isolated already by the international community so international loans at programs have been blocked, So this is one way how they can actually tackle the regime in the future.

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  1. Very well, a breif description.. But with respect time has been change....we have to review our policies for stability of our own. Interest, a peace..
