Toxic Beauty Standards of South Korea

There are beauty standards but there are also South Korean beauty standards which belong to a completely different level. 

But what are Korean beauty standards exactly?

Korean makeup and beauty are taking huge leaps in the industry, so we are wondering if we are actually considered beautiful or at least presentable in the eyes of Korean beauty & industry experts.

You might have heard of some of them already.

"Fair skin to the point of looking glass like" 

"A sharp jawline" and "big eyes."

Here are some of the South Korean beauty standards for women that you might want to take note of if you want to achieve the perfect Korean beauty look.

1: Head size

For most Koreans a smaller head size is preferred. The tinier your head is the better.  

If you take a look at photos of famous Korean celebrities, you'll see that most of them have tiny heads under big bold hair. In Korean beauty standards it's what works. This applies to both men and women.

2: Forehead

Forget about contouring.  

South Korean beauty standards dictate that a full and round head is beautiful specifically a forehead that shows off a pronounced brow bone.

3: Eyebrows

The farther your eyebrows are from your eyes the better.

Koreans like having a significant distance between the brows and the eyes, high eyebrows are beautiful but they're even more beautiful if they look straight and natural.

4: Eyelids

Two things make your eyelid pass, eyes that make you look a bit older and a double eyelid.

Koreans are known for their obsession for the double eyelid. Some even going for plastic surgery just to achieve that look.

Of course, if your eyes aren't naturally big even having double eyelids won't be enough.

5: Nose

While the rest of the world would love long noses, Korean beauty standards state that a nose should be medium high and with a round tip. 

Basically, your nose has to look like a button.

The more defined your nose is the less beautiful you are in their eyes.

6: Jawline

Even though it isn't as emphasized as the rest of the Korean beauty standards, a V-shaped jaw is still better second to the V-shaped face.  

7: Cheekbones

Korean beauty is known for its generous use of blush. Resulting in a sun-kissed drunken look.

This is why in Korea it's preferred to have round cheeks instead of high pointed cheekbones.

In fact, many Korean girls go for fat injections to make their cheeks look fuller.

8: Height

Asians are known for being a bit short. Which is why people who are above the average height are considered more attractive. 

In South Korea they prefer women who have a slender model-like figure instead of those who have heights of 5 feet 3 inches and below.

9: Skin Complexion

Fair skin is a must in South Korean beauty standards.

You should have fair skin that looks glowing and glass like.

Woman with white glass skin is considered beautiful.

Overall beauty standards are deeply rooted in history and culture, depending on the country and region.

Ideal beauty patterns vary vastly and can create some cultural shocks. South Korean beauty standards are far different from western countries also, like the United States.

However South Korean beauty standards are known as highly toxic and rude towards simply living people. That's why South Koreans are labeled as most judgemental society because of their strict beauty standards.

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