What Not To Do In Vietnam?

This blog is going to be helpful for those of you who are planning to go to Vietnam. 

Here are some important "don'ts" which you must know before going to Vietnam to make your vacation more fun, meaningful and memorable.

It can help you mitigate the culture and the misunderstandings in terms of communications due to the cultural differences.

• Never predict the weather.

Vietnam's weather is so unpredictable. one day it can go up to 40 degrees and then the next day it can be rainy and cold. It might get very hot in Vietnam and it might get very cold too. So, don't underestimate the weather bring your four seasons clothes, because you never know what's gonna happen.

• Don't drink Tap water.

When you go to Vietnam keep in mind that Vietnam is still a developing country which still need to work on water contamination and water pollution. So the tap water in Vietnam is not safe to drink. If you want to drink water, I'll suggest you to buy water dispensers or water bottles from any convenience stores or supermarkets.

• Don't discuss politics.

Making fun of the presidents or the Vietnamese national heroes is highly prohibited. 

Discussing the government policies or taking pictures of any military installations and equipment is considered as a breach of national security and you can end up in jail. Vietnamese are very proud of their national heroes like Ho Chi Minh or Vo Nguyen Giap. And that's the reason it's gonna get very sensitive, so please be careful with any political topics in public there.

• Don't wear shoes in the houses.

One of the unspoken rules in many Asian countries especially in Vietnam is that you should take off your shoes before entering their house. When you enter someone's house taking off your shoes, this would define that you care enough about them and the cleanliness of their home, which they appreciate the most.

• Don't play with the chopsticks.

If any Vietnamese host invites you to sit down and be ready to have a dinner then you shouldn't play with your chopsticks, And you mustn't knock chopsticks to the bowl because according to them it's just like inviting ghosts or wandering spirits to the house from outside who might bring bad luck to their family.

• Take care of your valuable stuff.

Pickpocketing and bag snatching can be a serious problem in the Southern part of Vietnam. Especially in Minh city. So, if you don't want to be a victim of bag snatching then you should hold your purse in front of you, Or you can wrap it around your shoulder. 

Never neglect your phone, camera or any of your valuable belongings in public.

• No inappropriate dressing.

Vietnamese generally have conservative dress codes. 

So if you don't pay attention to what you wear before visiting their religious places like temples or monuments, Then it would be disrespectful to show your skin at those religious places. The more your outfit reveal your skin will be considered as more rude and disrespectful.

So these are the few things that you should know what not do in Vietnam, Or at least try to avoid during your trip.

I hope that through this blog you've learned something new about Vietnam, One of the world's beautiful tourism destinations. 

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  1. Thep point where I feel suffocation ... Don't discuss politics ... We can't help for discussing this ..at least one time a day...😁🤣

    1. Ahahaha right😂 well you can't discuss it publicly there in Vietnam but there's choice that you can discuss politics in your ptivate circle.

  2. Chopsticks point is help to giggle out...😁

    1. Hahaha! Same.
      When I got to know this strange ritual it just made me shake my head.
