The Pakistan Single Window (PSW)

Pakistan is strategically located to become a hub for international transit and trade while it has invested heavily in seaports, motorways and other physical infrastructure. 

It lacks a comprehensive regulatory system to speed up the flow of goods into and out of the country.

Pakistan customs automated system web clears 95 percent of international exports and imports electronically, But traders must still comply with the non-customs regulations set by various the government agencies whic mostly use paper-based systems.

A new digital platform will transform this trading landscape. 

The pakistan single window will automate and integrate cross-border procedures of customs and other government agencies making trade faster easier and cheaper.

Through the Pakistan single window, traders will be able to submit customs declarations permits and other information required by several government agencies.

With the paradigm shift in Pakistan's population to almost 50 percent female, More and more women are entering the workforce as well as business. 

Pakistan's single window offers an encouraging climate of inclusion and ease of doing business being an online portal. 

This system can surely reduce delays and difficulties in processing cargo which clog ports and add costs the service sector.

In this case cannot move unless they have an enabling environment.

Through a single digital portal complete and updated fiscal regulatory and statistical information will be instantly available which will obtain permits to move goods. That will be quicker without the need of physical visits to agencies.

It's a fundamental rule of business that you have to be dynamic and regress use of technology is the biggest equalizer.

This digital system can bring pakistan in line with other countries that are successfully using national single windows to facilitate trade.

It will help to cooperate Pakistan's commitment under world trade organization's trade facilitation agreement. 

while boosting the local IT industry, The Pakistan single window is a step closer to sustainable cross-border and international trade. Which traditionally been fraught with huge volumes of paperwork and red tape and delays. I hope the single window system would be helpful for country's trade conditions as it has remained beneficial onboard. 

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  1. It would be the biggest benefit for any government over the world by having such system ... More surprising thing is about Pakistan... But unfortunate situation can never let it move with zeal and zest in progress.
    Hope in future would have shine of this system.

  2. Wow....great, loved this information
