How Seoul Killed South Korea? South Korea's Battle with its Capital City!!

South Korea is Dying Out Because of Seoul!


In the busy roads of Seoul, which is South Korea's lively capital city, there's a story of both success and trouble. But, if we look past the flashy and exciting parts of this huge city, there's another story happening – one where the whole country is having a tough time and feeling like it can't breathe.

For more than 20 years, South Korea has been silently building a brand-new capital city called Sejong, starting from a scratch. 

But why did they do this? To find out, we need to look at all the different reasons why Seoul has become a sign of wealth and also a warning for South Korea.

A long time ago, people in South Korea lived all over the countryside, and Seoul was just one big city among others. But after the Korean War, when the economy got a lot better, Seoul became the main place where everything was happening. 

The government started giving lots of money and chances to Seoul, making it really powerful and important.

Over many years, more and more people were pulled towards Seoul because it seemed like the best place to be for jobs, money, and big dreams. At the same time, other parts of the country didn't get as much attention or help. This made things even worse for those areas – as more people left for Seoul hoping for a better life, things got even harder for the people who stayed behind.

Seoul being the only big city caused more than just money problems. Everything got really expensive, and there was so much competition for things like jobs and houses that it felt like a pressure cooker. It became really hard for people to even think about starting a family because it seemed impossible. This made the number of babies being born in South Korea go down a lot, which made the problem of not having enough people in the country even worse.


To try and fix the big problem, the South Korean government decided to do something brave. They wanted to spread out the power and chances for success more evenly. They thought Sejong, the new capital they were planning, could help with this. But even though they've been working on it for twenty years, things are moving really slowly because of all the red tape and problems that keep getting in the way.

Now, Seoul is like a giant, 50 % of all the people in South Korea living there and most of the country's power as well. 
The government's main focus is always on Seoul, which means other places don't get as much attention. People are starting to wonder if Sejong will ever be finished on time, and if it will really make a difference.

Can South Korea get away from Seoul's control, or is Seoul always going to be the boss? Right now, nobody knows for sure.

But one thing we do know is that if nothing big is done, Seoul will keep being the most important place, making it hard for South Korea to have a bright future.

Maybe it's time for some brave decisions to change things up.

South Korea has a chance to shape its own path, but it's going to take a lot of work and courage to step out of Seoul's shadow and make things better for everyone, no matter where they live in the country.

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