Crows Trained To Pick Up Trash in Sweden!

It is laborious to clean our surroundings, Due to the irresponsible littering of garbages not only responsible humans but animals and birds sometimes help the nature to get rid of these wastes. 

Crows are well known for cleaning the cities. A startup company near Stockholm in Sweden has foreseen crows talent in cleaning and thus designed a machine that will clean up the surroundings in a systematic way. 

It is very important to know the machines working. Many Caledonian crows are trained to pick up cigarette's remains from streets which are to be deposited in the machine, For every cigarette they deposit in the device the machine will feed a little bit of food in return. 

The machine is developed and maintained by a Swedish company named Corvette cleaning.

The main aim of this program is to save and reduce the huge funds that are deployed in cleaning up the streets.

Founder Christian Gander Hansen told the media that he expects that crows could cut the city's cigarette remains waste by 75 percent. They are easier to teach and there is also a higher chance of them learning from each other at the same time. There is a lower risk of them being rubbish, He added it is estimated that about 100 billion cigarette remains are thrown off the streets of Sweden each year. This is about 62 percent of all wastes. 

Similarly about six crores were trained to pick up cigarette remains from the streets in the year 2018. It was a part of a campaign which intended to make humans throw used cigarette in trash bags and evoking a kind of awareness to Sweden people.

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