Philippines choose a dictator's son!

Son of former dictator wins Philippines presidency.

Philippines, The country's former dictator was overthrown In the 80s and his family was forced to flee the country.

About month ago, A brutal dictator's son, won the presidential election in the Philippines by a landslide.

Thousands gathered to celebrate the unimaginable victory, A return to power for the Marcos family, After being overthrown and force to flee the country decades earlier. 

Preliminary results show Ferdinand Marcos Jr. earned more than 31 million votes, Twice as many as his bitter rival and the vice president, Rodrigo.

The Philippines is moving basically from one presidential illustration which has been accused of being governed in a doctorial fashion, That could be that way, In a alliance and relationship that leaves many people uneasy. 

Marcos was a young boy when his father became president in 1965.

For nine years over his two decade rule Marcos senior declared Martial Law, A first in the country's history prompted by an assassination attempt in a chief AID. The protonation of martial law is not a military takeover. During this time thousands of labor, leaders, politicians and students were arrested. 

News outlets show down and enemies of the president detained, tortured and even murdered.

The Marcos family has also been accused of Siphoning billions of state dollar during their time in power, Something they clearly denied.

The family was believed to have stolen between $10-$15 billion worth of goods. 15 Mink coats, Hundreds of handbags and more than 1000 shoes were among the valuables, The State has since recovered.

Ousted from power during the 1986 People's Power Revolution, The family fled to Hawaii.

Three years later, The eldest Ferdinand died. The family returns to Philippines in 1990, Again leveraging their political influence. 

Their Matriarch served four terms in the house of representatives at one point. Knocking own bid for the presidency.

Marcos Jr's sister now a senator meanwhile the young boy seen in photos  alongside his father, Also years ago becoming a governor.

Congressman, senator having been elected to the position senator of the Republic of the Philippines and has now taken the hold of the highest office in the land. 

Now what does this win tell us about the direction which the country is heading in? 

What is really interesting to see in the years ahead is how the Philippines positions itself in Asia as a democratic nation.

As of now it seems as tough the voters have spoken in the Philippines and they are ready to see what the Marcos presidency will look. 

As per Marcos' newly established government  brought credibility, They ran on this sort of vague platform about unity.

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